When you are Late you use muscle. When you use muscle you tire. When you tire you die. This is a lesson from Saulo Ribero one of the greatest JiuJitsu champions or all time. How does it apply to Chiropractic?
“Doctor in the Rearview”
The specialists say you have allergies, asthma, sleep apnea, depression, chronic fatigue, GERD and fibromyalgia. They say you’ll be on a dozen different medications for the rest of your life. But what does the doctor looking back at you in
The Simple Truth
Most people go to the doctor because they think they have something they shouldn’t have and want to get rid of. But over the years, we chiropractors have come to understand that the problem when you aren’t feeling
What is the purpose of Chiropractic?
As Chiropractors we have only 1 goal. To understand why we have only 1 goal you need to understand a few things about your LIFE. Your LIFE flows from your brain down into your body and spreads out through your